Monday, March 15, 2010

Anak SD Jaman Sekarang

anak sd jaman sekarang..:(

Tadi wandering around ke blognya orang-orang, terus nemu beginian di blognya si Fia bocah. Sedih yak. Kadang saya bingung gimana saya akan ngebesarin anak saya nantinya. The world has been so corrupted nowadays, i cant barely imagine what the world will become when i have become a dad.

My plan on becoming a cool-dad:
I will teach them how to play kite, instead of PlayStation 8 or so.
I will encourage them to experience nature, if there was still any left.
I will make them realize, that they cant find world in those 3x4 LCD.

The world is out there, waiting for you, young fellas.. :)


Anw, i finally know how to make a link on my blog. Yeah! #katro

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